Who we are


Objective Consulting was founded by Peter Murphy to systematically provide sustained business creativity and troubleshooting in all aspects: people, money, work, and growth.

Peter Murphy, Principal

Mr. Murphy has grown six companies in six industries through cross-disciplinary product, process, strategy, and market innovations.  As CEO or VP-GM, he has led stockholder gains to $96 million, and as CEO and founder or co-founder, he has led market valuations to $67 million from the concept stage.

He holds 38 US and foreign patents, has led the development of over 200 new products and high-speed processes, and has served as acting President or General Manager of early stage firms in medicine, for-profit higher education, acoustics, optics, and wind power.  As a consultant to investors and CEOs in launch, growth and turn-around stage firms, he has provided troubleshooting and value creation to clients in financial markets research and forecasting, consumer electronics, entertainment, automotive, military, apparel, and medical devices.

In the mid-2000s Peter’s work on a new system of medicine and medical education enabled him to propose a solution to the false dichotomy in medicine known as vitalism versus mechanistic reduction.  Since 2014, he has pioneered solutions to marketing and growth problems in for-profit, distance elementary and secondary education, and to the problems of curriculum, teaching method and business model in residential liberal arts higher education.

He has collaborated productively with firms in accounting, advertising, automation, aerospace, chemical processing, consulting, investment banking, industrial design, heavy construction, furniture, law (corporate, patent, tax, board), machining, marketing, musical instruments, professional money management, public relations, audio recording, research-and-development, statistical quality control, retail, tooling, and venture capital.

Peter received his BA from Harvard in Economics, and has devoted several decades to formal study and writing on business, objectivity, and cognition.  He is also a passionate public speaker; 2024 topics include:

  • Improving Your Thinking To Improve Your Results
  • Judging and Improving Character—for Better Hiring and Leadership
  • Conquering Nature, not Men: the Power of Business under Capitalism
  • Why Market Prices Best Forecast Investment Returns in the 6- and 12- Month Horizons
  • Why Interest-Rate Spreads Forecast Recessions and year-ahead U.S. Equity Price Levels

Mr. Murphy is an advocate of reason and rational self-interest in business and in life.

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